Energy Education

Knowing where to begin with home energy efficiency can be a challenge. We're here to help! Explore our curated starting points and resource list, designed to support you at every stage of your sustainability journey. Find information on energy audits, rebates, solar help desks, and more.

We're committed to building a comprehensive guide, so if you have a resource to suggest, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Where to Start


  • Switch to LED lighting 

  • Lower thermostat by 7+ degrees when house is unoccupied and sleeping 

  • Turn off and unplug unused appliances 

  • Use power strips to protect and turn off electronics

  • Wash clothes in cold water 

  • Do not block air vents with furniture 


  • Seal air leaks around windows and doors with caulk and weatherstripping  

  • Replace broken appliances with ENERGY STAR certified models 


  • Add insulation to walls and attic, gaps behind wall outlets commonly are missing insulation.

  • Replace older windows with high performance models 

  • Replace water heater with a heat pump or an on demand water heater 

  • Solarize your home (Home energy audits or free consultations are the best way to se if this is a good fit for your individual home)

Energize your Toolbox

  • The Residential Clean Energy Credit - Federal Tax Credit (Not a Rebate)

    • If you invest in renewable energy for your home such as solar, wind, geothermal, fuel cells or battery storage technology, you may qualify for an annual residential clean energy tax credit.

    • Equals 30% of the costs of new, qualified clean energy improvements for your home installed anytime from 2022 through 2032

    Dollar Energy Fund - Virginia Utility Assistance Program

    • The Virginia Utility Assistance Program includes Hardship Programs administered by Dollar Energy Fund and assists eligible utility customers with their Appalachian Power Company, Old Dominion Power, Columbia Gas of Virginia and Virginia American Water Company bills. Our program is a fund of last resort because it goes above and beyond what is available through federal, state and other programs. Dollar Energy Fund’s Virginia Utility Assistance Program provides grants to qualified utility customers on a first come, first serve basis while funding is available and eligibility requirements vary based on the utility company. Program guidelines and eligibility requirements are subject to change.

    • Dollar Energy contact form

    Rural Development U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - Electric Infrastructure Loan & Loan Guarantee Program

    • The electric program makes insured loans and loan guarantees to nonprofit and cooperative associations, public bodies, and other utilities. Insured loans primarily finance the construction of electric distribution facilities in rural areas. The guaranteed loan program has been expanded and is now available to finance generation, transmission, and distribution facilities. The loans and loan guarantees finance the construction of electric distribution, transmission, and generation facilities, including system improvements and replacement required to furnish and improve electric service in rural areas, as well as demand side management, energy conservation programs, and on-grid and off-grid renewable energy systems.

    • USDA VA contact page

    VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES - The Virginia Energy Assistance Program (EAP)

    • The Virginia Energy Assistance Program (EAP) assists low-income households in meeting their immediate home energy needs. The EAP consists of four components: Fuel Assistance, Crisis Assistance, Cooling Assistance and Weatherization Assistance.

    • DSS contact page

  • Dominion Energy - Home Energy Evaluation Program

    Viridiant - Home Energy Audit/ Energy Consulting

    • Is your home energy efficient? If not, you may be spending more on your power bills than you should be. Viridiant’s Home Energy Audit can help you understand your home and where your energy dollars are really going. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with additional information on how to schedule your audit.

    • Contact Viridiant - Be sure to add to your safe senders list.

    • Phone: (804) 225-9843

    Department of Housing and Community Development - Energy Efficiency

    • Since 2001, Virginia Energy's Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) program has worked with state agencies and other public bodies to enter into a contract with energy service companies to significantly reduce energy costs.

    • VA Energy contact page

    Take Charge Virginia - Energy Efficiency Kits Program

    • The Energy Efficiency Kit Program offers two kit options based on customer needs. Sign up and receive a free kit with products that will make your home more energy efficient. You also will have the option to order more energy efficient products through our marketplace. Shipping is free and all marketplace orders over $50 will ship for free.

    • Take Charge VA question portal

    Solar United Neighbors - Solar Help Desk

    • SUN Solar Help Desk — your dedicated hub for all things solar. They are proud to offer all the information you want about solar without the slant that can come with the information provided by a solar company. Their personalized Solar Help Desk takes the complexity out of solar so you can make an informed decision that’s right for you, your home, and your future.

  • Virginia Energy - Energy Efficiency

    • Virginia Energy's Energy Efficiency Team works to increase energy savings for the Commonwealth through several programs and policies. The team is on the forefront of expanding the Commonwealth's clean energy inventory and providing access to clean energy programs to all Virginians

    • Virginia Energy Contact Page

    Evergreen Homecrafers - Custom Built Green Homes

    • Evergreen Homecrafters operates on environmental stewardship with a passion to lessen our footprints within the home building industry.

    • Email Evergreen Homecrafters

    • Home Building Contact Form

    Timmons Group - "Building Sustainable within our city"

    • Timmons Group provided a variety of services to Dominion Energy’s new 20-story office tower in downtown Richmond, Virginia. The tower offers views of the City skyline and the James River and includes ground floor retail and offices for over 1,000 Dominion employees.

    • Timmons Contact Form

    Viridiant - Home Energy Audit/ Energy Consulting

    • Is your home energy efficient? If not, you may be spending more on your power bills than you should be. Viridiant’s Home Energy Audit can help you understand your home and where your energy dollars are really going. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with additional information on how to schedule your audit. Be sure to add to your safe senders list.

    • Email Viridiant

    • Phone: (804) 225-9843

    Dominion Energy - REC Select

    • REC stands for Renewable Energy Certificate, which is a market-based instrument that represents the environmental attributes of renewable electricity. RECs are also known as "green tags" or "renewable energy credits".