More Green Space & Trees
What does this outcome look like in Richmond? Increased tree canopy across all of Richmond with more green roofs, green infrastructure, healthy flora and fauna, expanded, accessible and well-maintained vegetated parks and green spaces.
How will this outcome be measured?
The Office of Sustainability has developed indicators to measure the progress of the more green space and trees outcome.
Indicator: The citywide average Tree Equity Score.
Equity Indicator: The percentage of the population within a 10-minute walk of a public park with green space by race and ethnicity.
The Tree Equity Score Analyzer (TESA) is a tool built and maintained by American Forests. The TESA tool calculates a citywide average Tree Equity Score which measures how well the benefits of trees are reaching communities living on low-incomes, communities of color and others disproportionately impacted by extreme heat and other environmental hazards.
The TESA tool is updated annually based on available data. In 2024 Richmond’s Tree Equity Score was 80 out of 100.
Equity Indicator:
The Trust for Public Land, a national nonprofit, maintains an inventory of parks for every urban area in the U.S. Using this database, the TPL calculates a ParkServe score based on the percent of a city’s population within a 10-minute walk of the nearest park.
The TPL’s ParkServe scores are updated annually based on available data. In 2024, 80% of Richmond’s population lived within a 10-minute walk of a public park.
Relevant Pathways & Strategies:
Environment - ENV-1, ENV-2
Transportation and Mobility - TM-2
Outcomes & Indicators
Use the buttons below to navigate the Outcomes and learn about their associated Indicators.